Form表格 01A - Pre-Show Publicity 展前推廣
We will run an array of promotional campaign before the show. Simply let us know what you will be exhibitingby filling in this form! Your product information and pictures will have a chance to be featured in our eDMs, website, social media, press releases and so on. Don't miss these great chances to introduce your products to visitors. The sooner we have your information, the earlier we can promote your products to our visitors!
我們將有一系列的展前宣傳,歡迎你透過此表格向我們提供相關信息! 貴公司的產品信息及圖片將有機會出現在展會的推廣物料,如電子郵件、網站、社交媒體、新聞稿等。 不要錯過這些向觀眾介紹產品的絕佳機會。 我們越早獲得您的信息,就能越早宣傳您的產品,因而您將收到的宣傳成效也會越大。
Before filling this form, please note the following: 填寫此表格之前,請注意以下事項:
Please do not insert company name and logo onto the photos. 請勿在圖片上附加公司名稱及標誌。
Product Photo(s) should be in JPG/JPEG/PNG format, with resolution not less than 300 dpi.產品照片應採用JPG/JPEG/PNG格式,分辨率不低於300 dpi。
Logo(s) should be in JPG/JPEG/PNG/PDF format with resolution not less than 300 dpi, PDF format is preferred.公司標誌應為JPG/JPEG/PNG/PDF格式,分辨率不低於300 dpi,PDF格式為佳。
The Organizer reserves the right to select or edit your submission for use in our promotional campaigns without further consultation. No guarantee to publish all materials submitted.主辦單位保留選擇或編輯您的提交內容以在我們的宣傳活動中使用的權利,無需進一步諮詢。主辦機構不保證發布所有提交的材料。
Please submit a maximum of 3 product information. 請提交最多3個產品信息。